Clubs & Organizations
Join the Club
Or Start Your Own
The exact roster of clubs and organizations at Foxcroft Academy can vary from year to year, but the perennial favorites on campus appeal to a wide range of student activities and interests. We believe in helping students to follow their passions, so if we do not currently have a class, a club, a sport, or an organization that matches your interests, make one!
Current Clubs
& Organizations at Foxcroft
- American Sign
Language - Art Club
- Asian Culture
- Chess Club
- Civil Rights Team
- Environmental Club
- Gamers Club
- History Club
- Key Club
- Latin Club
- Math Team
- National Honor Society
- Peer Mediators
- Photography
- Robotics
- Spanish Club
- Student Council
- Student Tech Team
Foxcroft Academy
Student Council
Student Council
Our Student Council is active in providing fun activities for all FA students and helping with any issues that may pop up from time to time. The student council hosts dances and other social events throughout the school year, Homecoming events and activities, Winter Carnival festivities, and more. If you want to be involved with the student council, just attend the meetings! The governing board consists of a student elected President and Vice President and an appointed secretary and treasurer. For more information, contact FA’s Student Council Advisor, Ms. Mirna Henderson