FA School Store
The Foxcroft Academy School Store is open anytime online!
The Foxcroft Academy School Store has all the latest fashions for whatever season we are in. We have generic Foxcroft Academy merchandise, as well as sport or activity specific. If you want a hoodie to keep you warm during the fall months, we have it. If you want a t-shirt or shorts for the summer months, we have that too! Most items are available in different colors, designs, and sizes. The only limit is your imagination! Order your Pony gear today, and represent the maroon and white in style. No one will ever wonder who you are cheering for!
Examples from the School Store
How to order your Pony Gear....
Order by contacting Kelly Hutchinson in our Main Office, (207) 564-8351 or kelly.hutchinson@foxcroftacademy.org
Also contact Ms. Hutchinson for colors and sizing. Many orders will take a few days to be processed as we have them made to order. Please allow for production time.
The Foxcroft Academy School Store can accept cash, check (made out to FA), major credit cards, and mobile payments (Apple Pay), all in-person when you pick items up. We are currently working on accepting online payments. Please check back for more information.
School Store Pricing (as of 4/9/2024)
Pricing for sizes S-XL
Add $3 for sizes 2XL and 3XL
$60 - Nike/Carhartt Hoodies
$40 - Nike Long Sleeve T-Shirt
$35 - Nike T-Shirt
$50 - Lace Up Hoodie
$35 - Quarter Zips
$30 - Sweat Pants
$30 - Hoodies/Crewnecks
$30 - Under Armour Shorts
$20 - Long Sleeve T-Shirt
$15 - T-Shirts
$15 - Tank Top (Black)
$23 - Tank Top (Maroon)
$45 - Under Armour Leggings
$20 - Baseball Hat
$15 - Beanie and Pom Pom Hat
$25 - Stadium Blanket
$15/$20 - Steel Cups (S/L)
Other Prices
Embroidery (Price depends on design)
Personalize for $3.00 per item
Shipping is available for an added cost