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Athletics at Foxcroft Academy

Athletics and physical development are an integral part of the total learning environment at Foxcroft Academy, where the teacher is seen as a coach, and the coach as a teacher. The ability of our faculty to serve in a variety of roles and to engage students in a collective endeavor outside the classroom contributes to the uniqueness and exceptional quality of the Foxcroft experience.

About Our Mascot

Meet Oakie. And no, your eyes are not deceiving you:  our team mascot at Foxcroft Academy is indeed a pony and not a fox.  

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Recreational Activities

FA is always on the move. You don’t have to compete on one of our teams in order to stay active and have fun along the way.

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Winter Sports Schedule

Here is the 2024-25 Winter Sports Schedule. As always, please be looking out for changes due to weather and other unforeseen circumstances. Ride on Ponies!


Our Facilities

Welcome to a place where the Pine Tree State meets state-of-the-art. Our facilities make our community proud, and help our student athletes shine.  You can always expect excellence at Foxcroft Academy.

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Varsity Sports at FA

Pony pride is always a team sport here. We have one of the highest levels of student athletic participation in the state of Maine. Sports at FA are steeped in tradition, commitment, and fun. 

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Athletic Hall of Fame

We think achievements should be celebrated. Learn more about some of the stand-out student athletes who've broken records, gone on to elite college competition, and made us extremely proud to wear FA colors.

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2024 Fall Sports Roster


Boys SOccer

Field Hockey

Girls SOccer (Coming Soon)